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Clean Energy For Pure World

Sunfree Gas Geyser

Sunfree Gas Gyeser is one of the leading Gas Geyser Manufacturers in India and suppliers in India. Committed to manufacturing world-class Gas geysers, the company has earned big popularity in the country.

why we use Gas Geyser?

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) geysers are deployed very frequently for heating water due to the perennial problem of erratic electrical supply in many areas in India

Gas geyser performance

A gas geyser is capable of heating a 50

gallon tank in almost an hour and the time it will use to heat a tank of

water again after use (recovery rate) is faster. In case of any power

outage, gas geyser still work.

Gas Geyser cost and lifespan

Gas geysers are less expensive than the electric geyser. Sunfree Gas Geyser

is one of the best gas geyser.

However, as far as lifespan is concerned, electric geysers have

longer lifespan than gas geysers, depending on the owner maintenance and

quality of local water.

How gas geyser works

Gas geysers work by heating water, making use of gas burner located below a big tank from where the heated water is delivered through pipe lines. In the course of heating, pressure accumulates in a gas geyser and the pressure valve intervenes and discharges the pressure.

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